On the 17-19th January, both the Army and RAF section attended Longmoor training camp for Winter Camp 2025. As we were training amongst other CCF’s and the Royal Military Police, our standards were at their highest with impeccable behaviour, perfect uniform and highly polished boots.
Before disembarking from the CCF hut, we all assembled ourselves in an orderly manner at 1330hrs, ready for an action-packed weekend. Not long after, we got on the coach and drove to Longmoor. As soon as we arrived, we had first parade with Wing Commander Leggatt and split into sections.

The RAF section started their lessons whilst the Army section was issued kit for the weekend, before dinner at 1700hrs. After dinner, A Troop was taught firing positions by Cpl Hackett before cleaning and collimating their rifles for the range the next day. Meanwhile, the year 10s in B Troop started their leadership cadre, led by Sergeant Greenwood and Ms Grant, with an opening brief followed by introduction on leadership. Finally, after the mandatory fire drill at the end of lessons, we headed back to the billets for lights out at 2230hrs.
Saturday was jam packed with activities. After a quick breakfast, we separated into our respective training groups and headed to morning activities. The Army Section split down into two groups with one completing the obstacle course with Captain Fisher and Sergeant Edney and the other group firing on the 25m barrack range with Captain Quick. On the range we grouped and zeroed our rifles before practicing different firing positions (including kneeling and sitting). This gave the year 9s a chance to put what they learned the night before into practice. A massive shoutout to Cadet Goossens for achieving an incredible 3 round grouping of 21mm!

The obstacle course served to improve our teamwork skills and help introduced us to the physical activity that will benefit us when doing fieldcraft. We started the obstacle course with a quick warm up. Then we attempted each obstacle in the course with Captain Fisher and Sergeant Edney demonstrating how to do each obstacle safely. After this, we had a teamwork competition where each team tried to complete the course as safely as possible. Although it was chilly out, we all enjoyed ourselves immensely.
After dinner, we all had room inspection. This is where the officers inspect our billets to make sure we keep them to the highest standards of cleanliness. Then, A troop began cleaning their rifles after their use on the range whilst the Year 11s in B Troop and the SNCOs used the Dismounted Close Combat Trainer Range (DCCT), which is an indoor electronic range. This was incredibly fun and very beneficial to improving our marksmanship. We were able to see our individual breathing patterns and how our firing positions affected our shooting accuracy, which made us aware of what we each needed to improve on. We finished the experience with a simulation of an ambush.

In the meantime, on Saturday, the Year 10s in B Troop and the RAF section took part in the Leadership cadre. The focus was leadership and teamwork where we spent the weekend working on the Army Values also known as CDRILS (Courage, Discipline, Respect, Integrity, Loyalty, and Selfless Commitment) and better communication. At the beginning of the day, we demonstrated our public speaking skills to the rest of the group, before being given personal feedback to help us improve. By the end of the day, we had a second attempt at public speaking.
There was a significant improvement in our abilities, and it was obvious we had become more confident, thanks to the feedback we were given. Throughout the day, we also took part in informative lessons and multiple command tasks to help improve our communication and teamwork skills. Overall, the cadre had a positive impact and was informative as well as very beneficial for our public speaking, teamwork, and leadership skills, which will help us for the future, both when doing fieldcraft and for when we do Junior Cadet Instructor Cadre (JCIC) in the future.

After a super busy day, we all enjoyed some free time in the NAAFI, a spot with some games and snacks where we could all have some downtime. We all had fun playing card games and having little table tennis competitions.
Sunday started bright and early with a full English and a detailed final room inspection, leaving our billets spotless to show our respect and gratitude for Longmoor having us for the weekend. The day saw the continuation of lessons for all sections with those on the leadership cadre enjoying some range time and the obstacle course and the year 11s working towards a first aid qualification with Sergeant Greenwood and Staff Sergeant Wickes. Meanwhile, A Troop was taught a variety of signals lessons, firstly by Cpl Soji and Cpl Nobis and then by Lieutenant Blows, which contributes to their basic and 1* signals.
Our RAF Section also had a busy weekend at Longmoor Camp. RAF Recruits took part in a variety of Drill training sessions prior to the assessment on Sunday Afternoon. All Recruits meticulously remembered the sequence and pleased to announce they have been awarded with their RAF Berets.
Additionally Sgt Skinner showed cadets how the flight simulator worked with everyone getting the opportunity to take off, fly a sequence and then safely land the aircraft. This will serve as a great practice for any future flying opportunities the RAF section may be offered. RAF cadets also undertook a physical training session where CI Greenwood put cadets through their paces with circuits and agility tests. Finally basic signals training was conducted where introductory voice procedure was taught alongside the phonetic alphabet.

Finally, after kit return, we had final parade lead by Wing Commander Leggatt, where we were given a positive recap of the weekend, along with some prizes and promotions. Congratulations to the Corporals who successfully completed their JCIC and to those who got promoted on this camp.
Completed JCIC
- M Soji
- B Hackett
- K Nobis
Promoted to Lance Corporal
- J Bone
- E Norton
- J Lewkowicz
Promoted to Staff Sergeant
- A Yasothar
Promoted to Company Sergeant Major
- T Cascarini
This camp was an extremely memorable experience and gave a wealth of knowledge to all who attended. On behalf of the whole contingent, we would like to say a massive thank you Captain Quick who made all the arrangements for this camp to take place and to all the Officers for putting in so much time and effort to achieve such an exciting winter camp.
Written By:
Corporal Hackett, Corporal Main and LCpl Ormand