Army Section

The CCF(Army) aims to promote the qualities of responsibility, self-reliance, resourcefulness and a sense of service to the community. Activities include drill, skill at arms, shooting, fieldcraft and first aid. By joining the CCF (Army) cadets also have the opportunity to get involved with volunteer and charitable work in the community and to gain nationally recognised qualifications such as BTECs.

Joining the CCF (Army) provides a wonderful opportunity to take part in Army themed activities and events, all of which focus on building self-disciplined individuals with self-courage and a sense of worth. As a youth organisation, the CCF (Army) strives to give cadets a fun and safe experience. There is no commitment or expectation on cadets to join the regular Armed Forces when they have completed their schooling.

Activities and training

On average cadets serve around four years in the CCF and training is steadily progressive allowing them to progress from Basic qualifications, through Advanced and on to the Leadership levels of achievement.

Cadets follow a syllabus called the Army Proficiency Certificate (APC) which gets more challenging each year. APC training is designed to be practical, rather than classroom-based, whenever possible. The training should be interesting, imaginative and purposeful and include competitions, exercises and games.

Training syllabus

The Army Proficiency Certificate (APC) syllabus consists of five subjects and sets a standard that is possible for cadets to achieve within one year:

  • Drill
  • Skill at Arms and shooting
  • Map and compass
  • Fieldcraft
  • First aid

Successful completion of the APC qualifies a cadet to wear the Red star in addition to the award of the Certificate. Elements of the APC Syllabus can be accredited towards the Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) Bronze Award.

The APC Syllabus (Advanced) – Special to Arms

The APC (Advanced) Syllabus consists of a number of Special to Arms subjects, the aim of which is to enhance the cadet’s knowledge and to specialise (at the school’s choice) in their second year, these subjects are:

  • Royal Artillery
  • Royal Engineers
  • Royal Signals
  • Infantry
  • REME (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers)
  • Band

Successful completion of the APC qualifies a cadet to wear the Gold star in addition to the award of the Certificate.

Continuation Training covers a number of optional subjects including the Leadership and Methods of Instruction (MOI) Cadre, and non-military activities that encourage the development of leadership qualities.  A cadet who passes the MOI Cadre will be awarded their Instructors badge.

Cadet Promotion

Whilst progressing through the Army Section syllabus, cadets can aspire to achieve promotion within their section. Although promotion is based on merit and selection by the Contingent Commander, it is also closely tied with the courses passed as follows:

To Lance Corporal – Pass APC Syllabus

To Corporal – Pass APC (Advanced)

To Sergeant – Pass MOI Cadre

Above Sergeant – selected on merit and ability