On Saturday 2nd November, a group of Army cadets deployed on a Section Commanders training day in order to better our fieldcraft skills and work towards our 2 Star qualification. We also used this day as an opportunity to grow our confidence and to obtain experience in acting in the role of a Section Commander and effectively leading a section.
We arrived at CCF HQ for 0530hrs, starting our day bright and early to get our equipment, rations and weapon systems for the day ahead. Departing just after 0630hrs, on route we stopped for a hasty breakfast including Greggs sausage rolls, before continuing to Pippingford Park training area. Our mission for the day was to locate, fix and destroy the enemy forces in the area of operations (AO). The enemy forces were ‘The Persistent Pippingford Pests’- the Triple P’s for short.
Once we got there, we wasted no time. We first practiced in pairs, a fire and manoeuvre lane and cleared enemy from the patrol route. We practiced the essential skill of RTR (return fire, take cover, return appropriate fire) when in contact with enemy at different positions utilising our communications skills. From this exercise, we learned how to react and respond to effective enemy fire quickly and effectively.

After this, we had an informative lesson on model making by Captain Quick, assisted by Staff Sergeant Wickes. We were then sent off with the task of building a model in the area that we were operating in. We then presented our model to Captain Quick. After some brief feedback, we assisted Captain Quick in making a new model, encompassing all the elements of what a perfect model should look like and how to describe it as part of a wider set of orders.
After lunch, we walked through a hasty attack, which consists of 6 section battle drills. Throughout this lesson we looked at the role of a section commander and 2IC during an attack, before taking turns rotating through the respective roles. We learnt about the Combat Estimate and how to assess the whole picture before making a decision. This developed our ability as the section commander focusing on critical thinking when trying to form tactics. We were given a scenario and Captain Quick encouraged all of us to discuss potential tactics whilst utilising the Combat Estimate to assault potential enemy positions. After discussing the “DS Solution” we then put this plan into action and demonstrated our hasty attack for the Year 9 recruits.

Finally, we prepared to conduct an Ambush on South Bridge to “Deny and Destroy the enemy forces” and to also put on a show for the Year 9 recruits. Equipped with intelligence, trip flares set and full magazines we set off from our battle prep area and lay in wait for the enemy forces to step onto South Bridge. With mission success, shortly after 1730hrs we extracted from the AO before returning to CCF HQ.

Many Thanks to Captain Quick for planning the day and to Lieutenant Blows and Staff Sergeant Wickes for assisting and supporting us on this trip. Not forgetting our Cadet SNCO’s who diligently fulfilled the role of the Triple P’s.
Next up – 2* Cadet Radio User course in December
Lance Corporal K Nobis